Governance and Human right

The SUPKEM Garissa promotes the capacity development of community members to demand accountability from both the legislative and executive. SUPKEM works though other CSO, CBOs, religious leaders and government official to advocate for public accountability, participatory democracy, sustainable economic growth, and human rights within Garissa County.

Deepening Sustainable and Equitable Increases in Family Planning in Tana River and Garissa counties of Kenya

In this project SUPKEM has a role in sensitizing the community about reproductive health in relation to culture and religion. We worked with Community Health Workers, Facility in charges, Community health promoters, Ward Administrators, Area Chiefs, Religious leaders, Youths champions, Local CBOs and Women of reproductive health.

Project specific objectives

To address barriers to FP uptake and support acceptance of FP services in order to   challenge social norms that impede FP uptake and give women a voice to make FP/RH decisions to religious, traditional and community leaders’ dialogues

1. Conduct quarterly targeted dialogues with local leaders, religious leaders, men and community groups to challenge social norms and give women a voice to make FP/RH decisions (10 dialogues per county per quarter).

2. Conduct RH/FP sensitizations for 120 Muslim Scholars within the county to support in advocacy.

3. Support bi-annual joint review meetings between religious leaders and scholars in the community.

4. Engage Muslim youth leaders, women leaders and other local faith CSOs.

5. Conduct Exchange Learning Forums across counties for sharing of best practices



There has been an increase in family planning coverage from 11.2 % (July 2022 to June 2023) to 14% in (July 2023 to June 2024) which shows an increase in the family planning coverage. There has also been an increase in the number of Women of reproductive age (WRA) receiving family planning (FP) commodities from 1,354 in (Jul 2022 to Jun 2023) compared to 1,704 in (July 2023 to June 2024). Besides the coverage, the health workers have reported increased motivation from the community health promoters and the other influencers which are linked to the support provided by the religious leaders. Due to the DEESIP influence, health workers have incorporated the religious leaders in the Monthly public health education at the target facilities who further clarify myths and misconceptions on FP. As a result of religious leaders publicly supporting family planning, there has been increased acceptance of FP services in the community.  


·       In three sub-counties, 120 Muslim scholars and religious leaders received training on reproductive health and family planning.

·       In Garissa, Tana Delta, and Balambala sub-counties, 80 Muslim youth leaders, women leaders, and faith-based CBO members were trained on RH/FP models 1 and 2.

·       Through community dialogues, the reproductive rights knowledge of 3,154 citizens across three sub-counties was enhanced regarding family planning.

·       30 CBOs underwent capacity assessments.

2022 Project

Rooting Democracy in Kenya through an informed citizenry

In this project, we work with civic educators at village level, local CBOs, religious leaders, youth, women, elected leaders and county ward administrators in all wards of Garissa County to contribute towards an informed, empowered and democratic society. 

a)  Citizens received sustained civic education. The civic knowledge on the constitution, devolution and public participation of the citizens were increased. Thirty civic educators provided sustained civic education using the six week curriculum that was developed under the leadership of ministry of devolution and Planning and contribution of transition Authority, Uraia Trust, Council of governors, UNDP and USAID. Also the citizens were provided with voter education especially on mass voter registration. The trained citizens appreciated the course and promise to educate others on the constitution. The citizens promised to continuously meet to discuss best ways to consult their leaders and ask for better services.
b)  Citizens reached with mass civic/voter education through Friday and Sunday sermons. 10 Religious leaders (RLs) were contracted to provide mass civic education through sermons at worship places.
 c)  Citizens were empowered and verified their details in the IEBC voters register in collaboration with IIEB clerks.
d)   Provided Voter education to over 35,000 citizens in most of the towns and villages through road shows and public gatherings in all the six sub counties of Garissa County.
e)   Over 2000 citizens participated in Voter simulation exercise conducted at Garissa Primary, Soko Ngombe and Bulla Medina of Garissa Township.
f)  Two sectoring working groups were formed to help civic society to effective engage the county government on; water and Health; education and governance issues.
 g)  Conducted a meeting with MCAs to develop county strategy for OVC/ECD policy. County conducted assessment on OVC needs in the county through an NGO
h)  Held meeting with CEC education on enactment of ECD policy through Garissa CSOs network. A Draft is available and not yet tabled in the county assembly.
i)  Conducted debate in all the four wards for Garissa Township -It enabled the citizens to ask for commitment from MCAs. The aspirants promised to improve their accessibility by having offices at strategy location in the ward. 
j)  Conducted social accountability at Yatrib ECD Centre Conducted public debates for aspirants in 4 wards of Garissa Township


Under this project, the organization works with civic educators at village level, health facility management committees, community score card committees and duty bearers at Garissa county health department to enhance improvement in health service delivery.

project 1
a)  Knowledge of 7,056 citizens from 10 Wards was increased on health rights Health system, Devolution in health, Public participation, Management and governance of health service;
b)  Civic actions were forwarded to the service providers. The civic actions involved written Memos to MOH, Sub county administrators and even to Chief Officer demanding their rights on health service delivery;
c)  CBOS and one local Ngo (working through Garissa CSOs network) have submitted budget recommendations to the CECM Finance of Garissa County.
d)  Completed two community score cards; one at a dispensary (level 2) and another at a health centre (Level 3) Interface meeting between community members from Korakora and Raya Health team

Promoting access to legal rights through increased demand for legal aid and assistance by the poor and marginalized in Garissa County.

This project is implemented in Garissa County (Garissa Township. And Lagdera Sub counties) with support from Amkeni Wakenya (UNDP) in order to increase access to legal aid and justice for the poor and marginalised in Garissa County within the framework of legal aid act 2016.

a) Established a ward based legal education sessions provided by 14 community paralegals that reached 8345 citizens with relevant legal education and supported 29 community members to access justice. The paralegals were capacity built on legal policies and best way to help the poor and marginalized to access justice. With increased knowledge the community were able to understand the importance to stand up for their legal rights.
b) Capacity built ADP providers have documented 167 cases they are handled which was a task their have never done. Also, the chiefs and the elders had an opportunity to reflect on the cases their administered against human right principles and consideration for the poor and marginalized.
c) Provided public forums where local administrators of justice and the community critiqued barriers of justice in Garissa and Lagdera sub counties
d) Radio programs- provided an opportunity where IPOA, ODPP, NGEC, judiciary and community paralegals created awareness on their mandate in improving access to justice by the poor and marginalized. The most frequent questions were how the community can seek service from these institutions and their flexibility to attend to the high illiterate community.
e) Established two legal education corners in Garissa Library and chief office Modogashe with materials that help community to understand legal aid Act 2016 and other legal policy documents.
f) Increased awareness on the effect of the Maslaha system on the rights of women and girls regarding rape and defilement. We have learnt that the elders advocate for compensation of the families with total regards to the victims (the compensation fees range from Ksh 20,000- 300,000). The compensation is paid by the family of the rapist while the rapist is left free. Using the Quran Maslaha recommendations, SUPKEM engaged the elders to use the Quran (5, 33) that recommends the minimum punishment for a rapist is to be jailed for life or long period.
g) Provided support to local institutions that help victims of police brutality and GBV through join advocacy against corrupt government officers.

Delivering sustainable and Equitable increase in Family planning in Kenya

DESIP Project is a UK aid funded programme, focused on Delivering Equitable and Sustainable Increases in Family Planning (DESIP) in low Contraceptive Prevalence Rate (CPR) counties in Kenya, in line with ‘Vision 2030’. Target Population is women of reproductive age with special focus on; Adolescents, Poor of women ( > $ 1.90 per day), People Living with Disability (PLwD)

project 54
i. County entry meeting- we had an inception meeting with Garissa county CHMT on the onset of the project in order to introduce DESIP to Garissa county and present the role that will be played by F2A in the implementation of the DESIP project.
ii. Community entry meeting- We have also visited and had meeting with the sub-counties where F2A is working. In these meeting we presented the DESIP project agenda to the sub-county health management team, the religious leaders and the community.
iii. Offered FP services in faith-based facilities, public facilities and private facilities We have carried out facilities-based outreaches- we have managed to do a monthly outreach of between 20 to 24 outreaches a cross the facilities we are supporting and this has enabled us to take service closer to rural women and women living with disabilities
iv. Health care workers trained on LARC &KQMH and this has improved FP service delivery by the health workers
v. Community health volunteers trained on FP to enable them properly do mobilization and awareness creation for the project.
vii. Religious leaders in Garissa County trained on sexual and reproductive health and family planning and they have played a critical role in creating demand among the community. They have been vital in demystifying social norms that surround around family planning and this has greatly improved the acceptance and use of family planning in Garissa county
vi. Peer Educators trained on Sexual Reproductive Health 
viii. Disseminated communication materials for FP to health workers and CHVs 

ix. Conducted facility-based sensitization forums to enhance the acceptance of family planning

 x. Participated cluster meetings organized by PSK. 

xi. Undertaken support supervision a cross the facilities we are supporting in order to give them mentorship and also help them improve their service delivery. 

xii. Conduct RDQA for the facilities we support.

 xiii. Male involvement- we have done male involvement meetings to enhance the involvement of men in FP activities 

xiv. Community dialogues- we have facilitated community dialogues in some facilities to create sensitization on FP activities